by descent experts


We find birth, marriage and death certificates in the Communal Archives of France and in the former French Colonies.

We prepare your complete dossier ready to be submitted to the French Nationality Service.
Amendment of
Birth Certificates

We obtain and process the amendments of church records (baptisms, marriages and deaths certificates).

If you grant us a representation mandate, we will be able to monitor the instruction of your dossier before the Court of Justice of Paris.

We work with the best licensed professionals to translate all your documents into French.
Hague Apostille

We take care of processing both the "First" and "Second" Apostille of The Hague to validate your documents.
What is French nationality?
Nationality is the legal bond that binds an individual to the State. In application of public international law, each State exercises its right to determine its own citizens. "In matters of French nationality, proof of it is the responsibility of the person whose nationality is in question" paragraph 1 of article 30 of the French civil code. Therefore, it is not enough to consider yourself French, you must prove it.
How is French nationality established?
The material proof of French nationality is the "Certificate of French Nationality" (C.N.F.) provided for in articles 31 et seq. of the French civil code. If you live outside of France, to obtain it you must send your C.N.F. demand to the "greffier en chef" of the Judicial Court of Paris (
Who is the "greffier en chef"?
He/she is a judicial officer who reports to the French Ministry of Justice. Its closest translation into English is "Director of Judicial Registry Services".
How is French parentage established between you and your ancestors?
According to the French civil code, French nationality by descent (due to possession of French ancestors) is based on two criteria: "jus sanguinis" (right of blood) and "double jus soli" (double right of land).
What is "jus sanguinis" (right of blood)?
It means that among your ancestors there must be someone, male or female, who was French.
What is "double jus soli" (double right of land)?
Also, you must have at least two consecutive generations of French ancestors. This is called "double right of land" It is not enough that you only have a French ancestor. You must also verify that, in turn, the parents of said French ancestor were also French. There is one exception, if you have a former passport or military record of your ancestor, then you are exempted from proving "double jus soli".
I only know the name of one of my French ancestors, how do I find out the names of the older generation?
We investigate the files of the French Civil Registry and do our best to provide you with the complementary documentation that will allow you to justify the "double right of land". We will provide you with the birth certificates and the marriage certificate of the parents of your French ancestor.
I have a French ancestor, but he/she is very distant, is there a limit to the number of generations that precede me?
There is no limit. But you must prove by parentage that you are really a descendant of that ancestor. You will need to obtain all your ancestors' birth and marriage certificates to establish the link to that specific French ancestor.
Is there a difference between the paternal or maternal path to obtain French nationality?
There is no difference, except if your ancestor was a French woman who married a foreigner between 1889 and 1927. Due to a discriminatory and sexist law, these women lost their French nationality and therefore the possibility of transmitting their nationality to their descendants.
What does the Court of Justice investigate to decide about my nationality?
Considering that your French nationality comes from one of your ancestors, it is necessary to reconstruct your genealogical family tree to establish the link of descent between you and your French ancestor. It is that "branch" of your family tree that interests the "greffier en chef". You will have to get the civil registry documents (birth certificates, marriage certificates) of all your ascendants of that “branch”. These civil registry documents must be original certificates issued by the corresponding civil registry. In the case of foreign certificates, they must be "apostilled" by the competent foreign authority. If the documents are not French, they must be apostilled (legalized) by the authorities of the country that issued them. In both cases they must be translated into French by an licensed translator from the General Consulate.
What documentation must I submit?
- the C.N.F. from legibly completed, dated and signed; - a photocopy of your identity document (passport or ID); - two passport type photos, - proof of address (copy of a tax or service issued in your name) - your original birth certificate; - if you are married, your original marriage certificate; - the original birth certificate of each of your ascendants; - the original birth certificate of the ascendant from which comes your French nationality; - the original marriage certificate of each of your ascendants; - the original marriage certificate of the ascendant from which your French nationality comes.
My parents or one of my ancestors did not get married. I don't have their marriage certificate. Can I apply for French nationality?
Yes. But you must obtain the acknowledgment certificate of said ancestor from his/her parents who were not married.
Do I have to carry out any procedure before the French Consulate?
The French Consulate does not intervene in the first stage of your citizenship application. Its only role is to be the official channel of communication between the "French Nationality Service" that depends on the Judicial Court of Paris and you. The request must be presented directly to the Court without going through the Consulate.
How much does it cost to obtain French nationality?
The Court of Justice of Paris does not charge any fee for its services.
How long does it take the instruction of my dossier at the Paris Court of Justice?
There is no set deadline. Usually, from the presentation of a complete file (dossier), the term is one year.
Why can my CNF application be denied?
For various reasons, mainly for not complying with the strict documentary requirements. There is a minimum list of documentation that must be strictly adhered to. On the other hand, the birth and marriage certificates of your ancestors who were not born in France must be: - apostilled, as established by the Hague Convention of 1961; - translated into French by a licensed translator; - apostilled again after the translation, as established by the Hague Convention of 1961.
Can I appeal the possible negative decision of the Court?
Yes. There are two ways to appeal. The first is administrative and the second is contentious. However, if you lost your French nationality due to disuse (désuétude), we discourage you from appealing. You must take advantage of article 21-14 provisions.
Is it necessary to apostille the French civil registry documentation of my ancestors?
The apostille is only required for foreign certificates. On the other hand, the French civil registry records issued by the communal archive where your French ancestor was born or married, have a digital certification that makes them valid for any procedure.
Can French nationality be lost?
Yes. After 50 years have elapsed since your ancestor left France and if their descendants did not obtain French nationality, the "French civil status" is lost due to disuse (désuétude).
I am processing the French nationality. But more than 50 years passed. How do I regain French nationality?
Article 21-14 of the French civil code establishes that if you can demonstrate "manifest links of a cultural, professional, family or economic nature with France", the "French civil status" can be recovered.
How do I prove that I have some sort of "manifest link" to France?
We have thoroughly studied the French civil code. And if you hire our services, we will provide you with an unobjectionable way to prove a "manifest link to France" in accordance with French jurisprudence.